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The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes

Home The Aphrodite bitter Lake Lodge No. 8418

Aphrodite Bitter Lake 8418



Bro Stephen Leek R.O.H

 No: 8418 of the City Secretary Aphrodite Bitter Lake Lodge

Tel: (+357) 99 424 421



Introducing the Aphrodite Bitter Lake Lodge no 8418
The oldest Lodge dating back to the the early 60s is just one of a family of five minor lodges under the newly formed Banner of the Grand Lodge of Cyprus
Meeting every third Wednesday each month  6 pm at the U K C A Club Limassol.
Holiday of a lifetime ( HOALT ) is a main attraction of all of our lodges bringing underprivileged children from the U K to Cyprus for approx a two week stay leaving a picture of happiness and joy on the faces of the children as well of a touch of sadness having to leave our beautiful island
To do this fund raising and donations are a  massive part of our income for visiting bothers a warm welcome awaits  you  to anyone else  interested in joining this worthwhile and rewarding organization
Our secretary would be more then happy to answer any questions you might have
His details and also the address of the U.K.C.A. club are listed below
UKCA Club, 37 Thermopylon Street, Katholikiki, 3041 Limassol
Phone no: 25344110, Email:

Venue: UKCA Club, 37 Thermopylon Street, Katholikiki, 3041 Limassol. Phone no: 25344110, Email: