The RAOB recognise Brothers of long standing and Compliant Membership with the honour of being recorded on the ROLL OF HONOUR. This is a permanent recognition which is displayed in the Grand Lodge Of Cyprus Meeting Room and updated as Brothers reach this degree. To qualify he must have been initiated into the Order, attained the Degree of Primo by passing examination, progressed to Knight Order of Merit (3rd Degree) and then served valiantly for five years of unbroken service acknowledged by his Lodge who will nominate him accordingly. The Current Grand Lodge of Cyprus Roll of Honour is recorded below:

Cyprus Roll of Honour Assembly No. 211
Opened on the 5th August 2010.
Met in the Buff Club, Dhekelia.
The last meeting there was the 6th October 2011, when it became dormant for a while.
Reopened on the 23rd June 2014.
Meets quarterly, in the UKCA Club Limassol. March, June, September and December.
Secretary, Bro. Nick Palmer ROH.
Mobile: 0035796404646