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The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes

Home Members Only access includes:

The Grand Lodge of Cyprus thanks you for viewing this site and hopes that you will find the content interesting and informative.

We also have a Members Only section which can be viewed by ‘clicking’ on ‘Account’ BUT, only once you have become a Member of the R.A.O.B., registered and logged-in with your unique username / password.

If you are interested in the history of the R.A.O.B please select ‘About us’ at the top of the screen.

If you would like to Join the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, please contact:

Grand Secretary Bro. Gary Davis


Mobile: (+357) 97655156

For information and location of the most convenient Lodge for your introduction.

You must be:

Over 18 years of age.


A supporter of the Queen of England and the constitution.


I am sure that the Grand Secretary is looking forward to hearing from you.

GLC Rule Book

Bye-Laws pending Rule Revision Meeting.

GLC Ceremonies for Download

Current GLC Officers and profiles

Current G.L.M.C. Officers and profiles.

Grand Lodge Circulars

Grand Lodge Accounts

Grand Lodge Meetings, Agenda & Minutes.

Guidance notes for Lodge Auditors

Scheduled Events and Ceremonies.

GLC Official Forms-Review and Download

GLC Policy-LGBT, Gender Reassignment

GDPR Protocols and GLC compliance explained.

Links to other Sections of R.A.O.B.

Lodge pages including minutes, events and information.

Knights Chapter pages.

ROH Assembly pages