St George of Cyprus Knights Chapter
Meet: GLC HQ, Dhekelia Garrison.
When: 2nd Monday January, April, July, October & December
Knights Chapter Secretary
Brother Nic Ashby ROH
Mobile: (+357) 97887802
President: Brother Dave Smith KOM
Immediate Past President: Bro. Nof Pashialis KOM
Vice President: Bro. Howard Passes KOM
The Knights of St George Knights Chapter 262 was inaugurated 1st September 2020 formerly the Limassol & District Knights Chapter 262 GLE the oldest Chapter on the Island. Whilst meetings are few the influence and actions of this Lodge is fundamental to the success of Events, Ceremonial and Fund Raising within the Grand Lodge of Cyprus.
To become a Knight Order of Merit you must be initiated into the Order, Pass an Exam to become a Primo (2nd Degree) and be nominated and accepted by your Lodge after three years of compliant attendance. You will only achieve this recognition if you ‘maintained and defended the rights and privileges of the Order.’
The Knights Chapter is run on a similar model to the Minor Lodges with the Knight’s President, who is elected for 12 months, occupying the Royal Chair and Orchestrating the Chapter meetings. The Officers, who serve also for 12 months after election are:
Immediate Past President
Vice President
Director Of Ceremonies
Bearer of the Insignia of Peace
Bearer of the Jewel
A very important role for the Knight’s Chapter is undertaking Ceremonies for Brethren who have been successfully nominated and fulfilled the criteria to become a Knight Order Of Merit (3rd Degree), at the invitation of the Minor Lodge concerned.